
Nominations for TEP SIG elections 2015

Dear TEP SIG members:

Now is the time to serve your SIG and gain valuable leadership experience!  if you are interested in serving as a part of the SIG leadership team, please send in your self-nomination by Monday, October 6, 2014.

Serving as a member of the SIG leadership team is a rewarding and enjoyable experience - we are a highly collaborative and collegial group!  As a member of the leadership team, you get the opportunity to work with colleagues across the continent and to shape the efforts of our SIG.

Elections will be held early in 2015 and newly elected officers will take office at the close of the 2015 annual meeting.

Below are descriptions for each of our elected offices. 
In addition, you will need to provide the following information to me: 
 *   Your full name;
 *   Your institutional affiliation;
 *   A biographical statement, which can be up to 250 words. 

If you have any questions, please email me at cynthia.bolton@armstrong.edu

Thank you,

Cynthia Bolton
Past TEP SIG Chair/Nominating Committee

Chair-elect/Program Chair (elected for a 1-year term, continuing the next year as Chair, and the following year as Past Chair) The Chair-elect/Program Chair will serve as TEP Program Chair for the 2015 AERA meeting in Chicago.  These duties include, but are not be limited to, submitting the call for proposals to AERA; soliciting proposals via the SIG website or other forums; recruiting members to serve as reviewers, discussants, and chairs; receiving proposals and assigning them to reviewers for blind review; deciding on proposals to be accepted and scheduling them in appropriate formats; in consultation with others on the Executive Committee, deciding on a substantive format for part of the business meeting and arranging for such; publicizing our annual meeting sessions; and submitting all required program-related forms to AERA. The Chair-elect/Program Chair becomes the SIG Chair the following year. The TEP SIG Chair is responsible for the general administration of the SIG and acts as liaison between the SIG and AERA. The Chair presides at the annual business meeting.  The Chair then becomes the Past Chair, who is in charge of the nominations process.

Secretary/Treasurer (elected for a 1-year term) The Secretary/Treasurer is responsible for any official correspondence, keeps the minutes of all business meetings, and compiles and disseminates the minutes to members of the SIG.  The Secretary/Treasurer also keeps track of the financial status and membership of the SIG and reports on these to members periodically.

Newsletter Editor (elected for a 1-year term) The Newsletter Editor is responsible for soliciting information that relates to the purposes of the SIG from SIG members and outside constituencies and publishing that information at least three times a year (generally, Fall, Spring, Summer) in a newsletter that is shared with all SIG members via the SIG listserv.

Webmaster/Blog/Wiki Master (elected for a 1-year term) The Webmaster/Blog/Wiki master is responsible for maintaining and sharing all electronic sources of information that relate to the purposes of the SIG, including our TEP Blog, the TEP Wiki, and the TEP website at aera.net.




The 2015 Annual Meeting of AERA will be held in Chicago, Illinois beginning on Thursday, April 16 and ending on Monday, April 20, 2015. In addition to the research presentations and networking opportunities, “The Windy City” has numerous attractions, including the Navy Pier, the Field Museum, the Sears Tower, and The Magnificent Mile down Michigan Avenue. The theme for this year’s meeting is “Towards Justice: Culture, Language, and Heritage in Education Research and Praxis”. According to Joyce E. King, AERA President, and Beverly M. Gordon, Annual Meeting Program Chair, the theme should focus our attention on local and global justice. The pro-gram will examine whether or not justice is an interest in cur-rent educational research and policy-making. If you submitted a proposal, you will be notified of acceptance or rejection on November 3, 2014.


Columbus State University in Columbus, Georgia, will host an Institute of Education Sciences (IES) Grant Writing Seminar on Friday, October 17, 2014. At the session, the participants will sit in groups and interact with fellow colleagues in order to get peer input during the session. The groups will be able to submit various examples to Dr. Meredith Larson, Education Research Analyst with IES, who will lead the seminar. This interactive format will allow for immediate feedback from Dr. Larson. Her presentation will focus on writing an IES research grant proposal, including the abstract, common pitfalls, and the major sections of the proposal. After the interactive presentation, lunch will be provided. Following lunch, there will be break-out sessions with IES Grantees from the University of Georgia, Georgia State University, and Florida State University. At these sessions, the IES Grantees will discuss their funded projects, your IES grant proposals, and offer possible suggestions for future submissions. Handouts will be provided. All faculty, staff, and graduate students are encouraged to attend. For more information, contact Jennifer Brown (brown_jennifer2@columbusstate.edu) or check out the information website, te.columbusstate.edu/grantwriting. The deadline to register is Friday, October 3, 2014.

Eastern Educational Research Association (EERA) is accepting proposals for the 2015 Annual Meeting, which will be held in Sarasota, Florida on February 26—27. The EERA conference has been held each spring for nearly 40 years and brings together the leading scholars from the eastern and mid-western United States. The refereed conference typically hosts over 300 scholars, meaning that the conference is small enough to network and connect with colleagues, but it is large enough to offer a wide range of ideas, research methods, and topics. In addition to research papers, roundtable discussions, symposia, posters, and panels, there will be two keynote addresses featuring Stephen Miles, Provost of the New College of Florida, and Marueen Thomas, Curator of Education at the Ringling Museum. Proposals can be submitted online at www.eeraonline.org/conference. The deadline for submission is Wednesday, November 12, 2014.

Changing Demographics & Making a Difference in Schools - Discussion

With the changing demographics (e.g., increasing Hispanic population and increasing number of students from low socio-economic households) of the K-12 classroom, how can educational psychology assist teachers with creating an effective learning environment and improving student achievement?

Ormrod: An essential first step is to enhance teachers’ understandings of students’ every-day life circumstances, including students’ physical and social environments, cultural practices, and (often implicit) cultural worldviews. This step is easier said than done, as teachers at all levels—including ourselves!—tend to have trouble looking outside their own belief systems and ways of doing things to acknowledge that other beliefs and ways of doing things might be just as “good” or “right” (with some exceptions, obviously). As Barbara Rogoff has put it, “Like the fish that is unaware of water until it has left the water, people often take their own community’s ways of doing things for granted.”
As teacher educators, we can’t possibly engender complete awareness and understanding of diverse social and cultural groups in a single semester, but we can make a good start by engaging students in conversations with people from varying backgrounds, ideally outside the classroom and, even better, outside the local community. As an illustration, I once took a group of teacher in-terns on a day-long field trip to an inner-city K–8 school that served predominantly low-income immigrant families. We were able to observe the truly inspiring things the school was doing for students and their families, but we also heard stories from the principal and teachers about the many challenges some of their students faced—quite eye-opening.
But, our strategies must extend well beyond show-and-tell activities. In our educational psychology courses, we must regularly integrate social and cultural diversity into the topics we discuss, the questions we ask, the assignments we give, and the ways in which we assess our own students’ learning and achievement. True multicultural education doesn’t come to a halt at Grade 12; it must also continue throughout higher education, including teacher education.

Reese-Weber: Instructors teaching educational psychologist need to understand themselves the difficulties among underrepresented populations. For example, I was awarded a small grant at my university to redesign my educational psychology course to include more information on urban education. This redesign included spending three days my-self in a underrepresented com-munity observing at the schools and interacting with the community leaders. Now, I take students to that same community for a day to observe in the schools and participant in the community. In addition, research should focus on determining what characteristics exist in current, successful schools system within underrepresented populations.

McInerney: Educational Psychology, as well being a cognate discipline, distils from a range of ‘psychologies’ such as developmental and personality psychology, principles by which educators may understand the learning and teaching processes. Over the last decades there has been an increasing interest in, and attention to, the diversity of learners, and that a ‘one size fits all’ approach to creating an effective learning environment is no longer considered optimal. Good contemporary educational psychology textbooks emphasize the need to engage in research/ evidence-based practices to enhance effective and diverse learning environments for all students in order to improve student achievement (e.g., McInerney, D. M. (2013) Educational Psychology: Constructing Learning (Pearson 6th Edition)). Teachers concerned with potentially marginalized and underperforming groups have a wealth of research-based techniques at their finger-tips if they read the appropriate professional literature and, in particular, read contemporary educational psychology text-books, and books in specialized areas, such as enhancing motivation, understanding information processing, and so on.

Eggen: Educational psychology has much to offer with respect to the increasing diversity of our students. For instance, educational psychology helps us understand that students’ new learning depends on their existing background knowledge and experiences, and students will bring widely varying backgrounds with them to our classrooms. If students lack the school-related experiences needed to succeed academically, teachers must provide these experiences in the form of high-quality examples and other representations that will provide the necessary background needed to help students understand the topics teachers are teaching. The need to provide these experiences is particularly important for students who come from low socio-economic households because these students often lack the school-related experiences needed to prepare them for success in school.

Reese-Weber: Educational psychologists need to emphasis research findings that support the idea that teaching critical thinking skills will enhance standardized test performance.

McInerney: I am not sure the premise that emphasizing improving standardized test scores implies that classroom instruction becomes teacher-centered and involves rote memorization. Data on this would need to be provided to convince me that this is the case. Improving standardized test scores in not inimical to engaging in ‘best practice’ in teaching, and assist-ing students to become critical thinkers. This question is essentially one regarding appropriate pedagogy, which is related to, but not identical with, educational psychology. Educational psychology informs pedagogical practices and teachers should be mindful of the wealth of insights into effective learning and teaching that are provided by research related to learning strategies, information processing, motivation, self-regulation, metacognition, constructivism, and so on. There are more ways to skin a cat than one, and many routes to enhanced standardized test scores than resorting to teacher-centered classrooms and rote memorization. I think well prepared teachers are quite aware of this.

Eggen: Educational psychology can assist teachers with teaching content in two essential ways. First, it can help teachers understand the way students learn most effectively, and, as teachers better understand the learning process, they will also understand that rote memorization is not the most effective way to help students perform well on standardized tests. So, by emphasizing critical thinking and the deep understanding of topics, teachers are both increasing their students’ long-term learning and increasing the likelihood that their students will perform well on standardized tests.
Simply understanding the way students learn isn’t enough however. Teachers need to see theories of learning directly and concretely applied to standards teachers are expected to help their students meet, and topics teachers are actually teaching. We all know that transfer is very specific. Believing that the role of educational psychology is to teach theory, and teachers should learn specific applications of the theories in their methods courses is misguided; it doesn’t happen. If educational psychology is to help teachers effectively meet standards and go beyond rote memorization, they must understand learning, development, and motivation, and they must also have experiences—in their educational psychology courses—in applying these theories with real-world standards and topics. If teachers don’t have experiences with application, the theories taught in educational psychology classes won’t transfer. This helps us under-stand why we see the emphasis on teacher-centered instruction and rote memorization in the P-12 world.

Ormrod: One common misconception, even among teachers, is that rote memorization is the best strategy for doing well on standardized achievement tests and other high-stakes assessments. For instance, I once co-taught a middle school studies class with a teacher whom I overheard telling a struggling student, “It’s easy. You just memorize it!”
Something I’ve routinely done in my classes and as an occasional guest speaker in other teacher education programs is to try to dispel this myth, often by conducting little in-class “experiments” in which some students are able to learn new material meaningfully and elaboratively while others have little choice but to resort to relatively meaningless learning; the differences between the two groups’ performances are usually pretty dramatic. Then, I continue to hammer away at the point that the human brain and mind are not tape recorders or video cameras, nor are they sponges that “soak up” information—instead, they’re active meaning-makers, and their “owners” (i.e., human learners) can be systematically taught how to make meaning more strategically and effectively. That said, we need to note the increasing trend of standardized tests away from factual knowledge and toward higher-level thinking skills. The wide-spread adoption of the Common Core standards is certainly helping us move in that direction. Anyone who hasn’t looked at these standards should do so (www.corestandards.org). A lot of the paranoia about Common Core—and many residents in my own small town in New Hampshire are paranoid to the point of being hysterical—comes from ignorance about the nature and origins of these standards.


Paul Eggen has worked in higher education for nearly 40 years. He is a consultant for public schools and colleges in his university service area and has provided support to teachers in 12 states. Paul has also worked with teach-ers in international schools in 23 countries in Africa, South Asia, the Middle East, Central America, South America, and Eu-rope. He has published several articles in national journals, is the co-author or co-editor of seven books, and presents regularly at national and international conferences. Paul is strongly committed to pub-lic education. His wife is a middle school teacher in a public school, and his two children are graduates of public schools and state universities.

Marla Reese-Weber is a Professor in the Psychology Department at Illinois State University. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Master’s degree in Clinical Psycholo-gy at Illinois State Universi-ty. Marla went to The Ohio State University and re-ceived her doctorate degree in Human Development and Family Science. Her research interests continue to be on how the family context influences adoles-cents and emerging adults (i.e., 18-27 year olds), spe-cifically their romantic rela-tionships. Marla has taught several undergraduate and graduate courses in her department, but the two she has most often taught are Educational Psychology and Adolescent Develop-ment. Dr. Reese-Weber is the co-author of an educa-tional psychology textbook, EdPsych Modules, that provides a modular ap-proach and includes multi-ple case studies.

Professor Dennis M. McInerney began his ca-reer as a primary and second-ary teacher in Sydney, Austral-ia. He joined a teachers college in 1975 as a lecturer and pro-gressed from there to a variety of academic, administrative, and research posts at the Uni-versity of Western Sydney, The National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological Univer-sity, Singapore, and The Hong Kong Institute of Education. Professor McInerney began his research career with his B.Ed and M.Ed (Hons) theses exam-ining the development of multi-culturalism within Australian schools. This work was fol-lowed by his doctoral research examining the motivational determinants of school achieve-ment for non-traditional Abo-riginal students in New South Wales. From these early re-search roots, Professor McIner-ney developed an extensive research agenda examining motivation, learning, and self-processes among a diverse range of cultural groups, in-cluding urban Indigenous Abo-riginal and remote Indigenous Aboriginal groups in the North-ern Territory of Australia, Nav-ajo and Yavapai Indians in the United States, Chinese in Hong Kong, Malays, Chinese and South Asians in Singapore, and Lebanese and other immigrant groups in Australia. The major focus of these studies has been the psychological determinants of school engagement of under-achieving minority groups. A range of competitive grants has supported these studies. Pro-fessor McInerney has published over 300 research articles, edits two international research series, Research on Sociocul-tural Influences on Motivation and Learning (Vols 1-10) and International Advances in Self Research (Vols 1-4). He has written major textbooks, in-cluding Educational Psycholo-gy: Constructing Learning (Pearson 6th Edition, 2013), Helping Kids Achieve Their Best: Understanding and Us-ing Motivation in the Class-room (Allen & Unwin, 2000 and republished by Infor-mation Age Publishing, 2005), and Publishing Your Psycholo-gy Research (Sage and Allen & Unwin, 2001).

Jeanne Ellis Ormrod is currently Professor Emerita of Psychological Sciences at the University of Northern Colorado. The “Emerita” means that she officially retired from her position there, but she isn’t really retired at all. After return-ing to her native New Eng-land in 1998, she taught several courses at the Uni-versity of New Hampshire as an adjunct professor, and she continues to give occa-sional guest lectures else-where. But. she now devotes most of her time to updating and (she hopes) improving her textbooks, including Human Learning, Essen-tials of Educational Psychol-ogy, Educational Psycholo-gy: Developing Learners, and Practical Research.

75.5% of public high school students gradu-ated on time in 2008-2009.
8 states and the District of Columbia had a less than 70% graduation rate in 2008-2009.
 There were 132,200 schools in the U.S. in 2009-2010.
19% of students attend-ed high-poverty public schools in 2009-2010.
 In 2011, 24% of U.S. public school students were Hispanic. That percentage is expected to increase to 30% in 2023.
 For 24 states and the District of Columbia, at least 50% of their schools did not make AYP in 2011.
 Percentage of public schools that do not make AYP varies by state, from 11% in Wis-consin to 89% in Flori-da in 2011.

(Sources: NCES & CEP)

2014-2015 SIG Board of Directors


SIG Chair
Angela M. O'Donnell
Graduate School of Education
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ 08901

Past Chair
Cynthia Bolton-Gary
Professor and Assistant Dean
College of Education
Armstrong Atlantic State University
Savannah, GA 31419

Program Chair/Chair-Elect
Martha Strickland
Assistant Professor
School of Behavioral
Sciences & Education
Psychological and
Quantitative Foundations
School of Social
and Behavioral Sciences
Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802

Joyce L. Moore
Associate Professor
The University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA  52242

Newsletter Editor
Jennifer L. Brown
Assistant Professor
Department of Teacher Education
Columbus State University
Columbus, GA 31907

TEP SIG Wiki & Webmaster
Zsuzsanna Szabo
Associate Professor
Marist College
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601


TEP SIG sessions Saturday, April 5, 2014

Time:  10:35 AM - 12:05 PM
Location:  Marriott, 4th Level, Franklin 8
Session Type:  Working Group Roundtable
Chair:  Lynley H. Anderman,
The Ohio State University

Iron Instructor: Educational Psychology—Harnessing the

Power of Educational Research

for Practice

Abstract:  Modeled after the television show Iron Chef, our symposium offers Iron Instructor – Educational Psychology, which challenges four educational psychology instructors (EPIs) to use three not-so-secret ingredients to revitalize their courses. Ingredients consist of key articles from the educational psychology literature that each EPI selected based on its potential to transform current instructional practices and to serve as models of best practice. EPIs will bring three “courses” to the competition: a syllabus, a sample lesson, and an assessment. Our chair will facilitate a discussion among the audience members who will judge how well EPIs integrated secret ingredients into each course. The intent of this symposium is to communicate ways that EPIs are using the power of educational research to influence practice


Creating an Issues-Based Course in Educational Psychology:  Utilizing Case Studies and Current Events as a Catalyst for Learning

Authors:  Sandra A. Deemer, Millersville University of Pennsylvania, and Laurie B. Hanich, Millersville University of Pennsylvania

Abstract:  Although the importance of educational psychology is implied because of its inclusion in most teacher education programs, the struggle over how to create a meaningful course for preservice teacher candidates has often resulted in learning experiences that do not best meet the needs of preservice educators. Dembo (2001) suggested that the major controversy centers on both the objectives and the methodology used by instructors to reach their intended objectives. Specifically, the difficulties may arise because educators often want answers to specific problems that may occur in the classroom and explicit examples as to when they will use educational psychology in the classroom, whereas professors want to emphasize somewhat esoteric theoretical explanations of teaching and learning, (Aspy, 1970; Clinefelter, 1979; Sternberg, 1996). Considering these opposing perspectives can make the task of structuring a meaningful educational psychology course a daunting task.
One promising approach to bridge this chasm is to use case studies and current events to frame the pivotal content in the field of educational psychology. Although this approach is not new in higher education and is often used in law, medicine and business, using case studies and current events as the foundation of an educational psychology course is not typically seen. Instead what is more common is for instructors of educational psychology to present key theories in the field and then utilize case studies and current events to apply that theoretical information (Engle & Faux, 2006). Our goal is to create an undergraduate course in educational psychology where the case studies and issues are the driving force of the discussion of theory, rather than the afterthought in applying the theory. This approach will more closely resemble the actual PK-12 classroom where teachers are presented with an issue (e.g., bullying) and then must consider what knowledge will be most helpful in resolving it.
The course being revamped in this way is taught to education majors typically in their sophomore year at a comprehensive state university where field components are integral to our teacher education programs. In fact, students in this course spend eight half-days or eight full-days (depends on whether the students are in our secondary or elementary/special education sections of the course) in a local urban classroom.
Even though our students are immersed in classrooms during their field experiences, using constructivist pedagogy in this way can still pose its’ own set of challenges and often can result in confusion if students do not perceive a logical flow to the course. As discussed by Sudzina (1997), the challenges can be overcome if certain aspects of this constructivist problem-based approach are evident in the design of the course. As she discusses in her review related to case based teaching, careful planning, adhering to a schedule, and allowing adequate time for content and case discussion can aid students in both learning and transferring content in educational psychology to the PK-12 classroom.
Skate By? Not on My Watch:  Redesign to Promote Conceptual Change in an Educational Psychology Course
Author:  Michael Yough, Purdue University
Abstract:  Prospective teachers possess well-developed beliefs about knowing and the nature of learning complete with a complementary repertoire of strategies to assist in navigation of their education programs. While these views and subsequent strategies have been adaptive for taking classes that promote rote memorization, these conceptions of learning are in conflict with findings in educational psychology. That is, they are at odds with the content of their educational psychology course. Unfortunately, budget constraints, administrative barriers, and a lack of risk-taking by instructors result in classrooms and structures that act to reinforce these beliefs rather than challenge them. Courses in education are unique in that the structure of the course sends messages to students about the nature of knowing and learning. An educational psychology course structured in such a way so as to be at odds with principals of learning has the potential to undermine the content of the course.
Using Patrick and Pintrich’s (2001) model of conceptual change for teachers as a guide, the present study will examine a redesign of one of two sections of a large (>70) educational psychology course during autumn of 2013. Patrick and Pintrich’s model acknowledged the role of motivational factors such as goals, interest and value, efficacy and control beliefs, and epistemological beliefs in conceptual change. They recommend that teachers of educational psychology be aware of the misconceptions students may be bringing to the course, provide opportunities for students to be aware of their own beliefs, promote mastery and understanding, and facilitate explicit discussion regarding the various epistemological factors that play a role in students’ beliefs.
The current structure of the course consists of two lectures and a shared recitation with another foundations course (special education). Also shared is an early field experience where students have an opportunity to put “theory into practice” under the guidance of a local cooperating teacher. Though attempts are made to make lecture interactive, the large class size makes it prohibitive to conduct activities that promote deeper understanding of the material. Thus, lectures generally consist of reviewing some of the main themes in the text, synthesis of readings, expansion of concepts, etc. The course is where the program addresses many of the state and national standards of teacher education, thus there is added pressure to “cover a lot of material.”
The proposed structure of the course moves the lectures online. Students can explore their conceptual understanding by making contributions to discussion boards. This positions students to have more control over their own learning and promotes the self-regulated learning strategies they will be expected to foster in their future students in preparing them for navigating a rapidly changing world. This also frees up class time to allow for a broader array of active learning strategies to identify and challenge students’ conceptions of learning, promote a deeper conceptual understanding of the material, and a greater exploration of what it means in their own classrooms.

Placing Learning, Beliefs, and Research at the Center of Teaching Educational Psychology

Author:  Helenrose Fives, Montclair State University

Abstract:  Two incidents caused me to rethink my overall approach to teaching educational psychology. The first incident occurred in undergraduate course. I organized a class session into a series of learning centers that the class transitioned through in teams. The session seemed to go well; one student even commented “This is like circuit training for your brain!” After the centers we took time to debrief and discuss the students’ with the learning centers. As I listened to my class, it occurred to me that something was amiss in the discussion. I asked the class “Did I teach today?” The immediate response from more than half the class was “Well, no.” and “Not really.” Silence. Then the discussion got good as the class dissected just what is teaching and whether I had taught that day or not. (Turns out I did). This unearthed a teaching problem, the need to be explicit about why I teach the way I do. I was able to bring the discussion around to “what is teaching” but this was due more to a happy accident than an intentional pedagogical decision. 
The second incident occurred while I was writing a theoretical chapter on the functions of teachers’ personal epistemologies as filters of information, frames for task analysis, and guides for decision making (Fives & Buehl, under review). At the end of the chapter we described three recommendations for teacher educators that I consider essential, and yet I have only implemented on a random or ad hoc basis in my own classes. Thus, I realized that in a very real way I was not using research (my own) to influence practice (my own) around concepts that I believe are central to teaching.
Renninger (1996) described the design of her educational psychology course in which she made “Learning as the Focus.” In this piece she describes how the course design and organizing questions were framed to centralize learning and its role in teaching. Further, her piece responded to Anderson et al.’s (1996) call for changes in how we teach educational psychology.
As I engage in the restructuring of my course, I am inspired by Renninger’s (1996) paper and my research. Thus, the class will be focused on learning, beliefs, and research with an eye to facilitating self-regulation for my students as first learners, then teachers (Dembo, 2001). Additional adaptations will address contextual differences, my course is a pre-requisite for students who wish to apply to our teacher education program, it fulfills a general-education requirement, and is taught without a field or laboratory experience embedded into the course. The diversity of students enrolled in the course, the lack of a field component, and the time between when this course is taken and when they enter the teacher education program often make it challenging for students to connect what they are learning with their own beliefs about learning and teaching and their potential future practice. Focusing on learning, beliefs, and research however may provide a lens that is relevant for all students.

TEP SIG sessions Friday, April 4, 2014

Time:  10:35 AM – 12:05 PM
Location:  Convention Center, Terrace Level, Terrace IV
Session Type: Roundtable Session
Chair:  Joyce L. Moore,
University of Iowa

Evolutionary Changes in Beliefs about Motivation and Motivating Teaching Practices
Authors:  Sarah E. Peterson, University of Texas at El Paso, and James B. Schreiber, Duquesne University
Abstract:  We examined how a motivation course impacted teachers’ and preservice teachers’ beliefs about motivation and knowledge of theory-based motivational teaching strategies. Students developed motivation case studies and used theory and research to analyze motivational challenges and improve their teaching practices within the context of their cases. Using mixed methods (questionnaire, qualitative analysis of student papers, and descriptive case studies), we document how our students gained theoretical insight into their beliefs, either supporting or substantially changing their beliefs about motivation, and increased their understanding of the important role played by teachers in motivating students. We also document how our students translated their changing beliefs and increased knowledge into improved theory-based motivational practices

Finding the Psychology in Educational Psychology:  Aligning Course Objectives with American Psychological Association Guidelines
Authors:  Rachel J. Eells, Concordia University – Chicago, and Allison Gelfuso Butler, Bryant University

Abstract:  Using a diverse sample of Educational Psychology syllabi, a document analysis was conducted to examine how educational psychology courses can not only meet professional teaching standards, but also address the learning outcomes recommended by the American Psychological Association. Findings suggest that (1) there is considerable overlap between InTASC Core Teaching Standards and APA Guidelines for the Undergraduate Psychology Major, and (2) instructor-generated objectives listed on syllabi tend to address many suggested learning outcomes for psychology students established by the APA. In a time when standards-based pedagogy and assessment is a focus in higher education, professors will benefit from seeing how their courses, which are interdisciplinary in nature, address learning standards set forth by both the fields of education and psychology.

Infusing Action Research into Educational Psychology Courses:  Linking Theories and Actions-in-Practice
Author:  Noriyuki Inoue, University of San Diego
Abstract:  This paper discusses an ongoing study that examined the impact of infusing action research into graduate educational psychology courses. A mini-action research in the form of “N=1 Action Research” (NAR) was assigned as the final project in two psychological foundation courses required in education masters programs. The study found that many of the graduate students flexibly made use of psychological theories in devising their actions or inquired into situationally meaningful ways to meet their students’ needs, while other students were rigidly confined by the theories that they employed or merely cited the theories without linking them to their actions. This study calls for further discussions how psychological theories and actions-in-practice could be meaningfully linked in educational psychology courses.

And the Winners Are . . .

by Cynthia Bolton-Gary, TEP SIG Chair 2013-2014

·         Zsuzsanna Szabo as the Web and Wikimaster.  This position has a 1 year term.
·         Jennifer L. Brown as the Newsletter Editor.  This position has a 1-year term.
·         Joyce Moore as the Secretary/Treasurer.  This position also has a 1-year term.
·         Martha Strickland as the Program Chair/Chair-Elect.  This position has a 3-year term.
Congratulations to each of these individuals!

Philadelphia in the Springtime AERA conference 2014

by Cynthia Bolton-Gary, TEP SIG Chair 2013-2014

Philadelphia can bring many thoughts to mind:  the birthplace of the United States, the Liberty Bell, even the famous scene of Rocky Balboa running up the stairs of the Philadelphia Art Museum.  Hopefully, this year you will also be able to add the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting to those concepts.  Thirteen thousand educators, researchers, students, statisticians, historians, vendors, politicians and professors will descend on the City of Brotherly Love to contemplate the theme “The Power of Education Research for Innovation in Practice and Policy.”

The Teaching Educational Psychology (TEP) SIG program this year is inviting and reflects the changing nature of education in general and teaching educational psychology specifically.  This year TEP SIG is hosting two sessions that include six distinct papers and our annual business meeting.  These papers respond to innovative practices in teacher education, research, assessment, accreditation, higher education reform, and technological advances.  Though we share a common language, our contexts of teaching educational psychology may differ.  The Roundtable format offers TEP the flexibility to discuss innovative practices, pedagogical challenges, and on-going research.  The first Roundtable session focuses on evolutionary changes, alignment and identification, and the infusion of theory and practice.  Three papers will be presented, and Joyce Moore from the University of Iowa will chair the session. 
The Working Group Roundtable will present Iron Instructor:  Educational Psychology – Harnessing the Power of Educational Research for Practice.  This innovative and interactive session will challenge four educational psychology instructors from different institutions to use three ‘not-so-secret’ ingredients to revitalize their courses.  Lynley Anderman, from The Ohio State University, will facilitate the discussion, and ‘audience members’ will judge how well each ingredient was integrated into each course.  Then, make sure you drop by the TEP SIG Business Meeting!  We love to see old friends and meet new colleagues who share our interest in teaching educational psychology.  We are always looking for people to get involved in leadership and help grow our SIG. 
 Let’s hope our visit to this beautiful city allows us to not only have an opportunity to break away from our professional context to learn from each other, but also from the cold and snow as well.  Although, the typical climate for April in Philadelphia is 42 (low) to 65 (high), as researchers we know there can be variance in these numbers season to season and year to year.  For Philadelphians, and many of us throughout the United States, this year was an outlier in terms of snow and cold.  Typically, Philadelphia averages 23 inches of snow, this year they broke that record with a whopping 60 inches (as of the writing of this article) and more is predicted later this week.  Let’s hope that this snow is Mother Nature’s last blast, and we can truly enjoy AERA in the SPRINGTIME!
I hope to meet you in Philadelphia as we climb the steps of innovative practice and policy, or the Philadelphia Art Museum, and give a big Rocky celebration at the top!