

The Teaching Educational Psychology SIG Program Co-Chairs, Dr. Sandra Deemer and Dr. Laurie B. Hanich,  have been extremely busy putting together an outstanding program of scholars, researchers, and innovators, which we present here for your review.
Teaching Educational Psychology – Special Interest Group

The 2011 Conference Program

We hope you’ll enjoy the lineup of TEP sessions for the 2011 annual meeting.  Please mark your calendars for the following sessions. 

Scheduled Time: Sun, Apr 10, 10:35am - 12:05pm  Building/Room: Sheraton / Salon 820

Scheduled Time: Mon, Apr 11, 12:25pm - 1:55pm  Building/Room: Sheraton / Salon 820


Don’t forget about our business meeting.  We hope you’ll come meet current TEP members and officers, say goodbye to our previous serving officers, and see how you can get involved in TEP.  We’ll provide food and beverages and plenty of good conversation.  Business dealings will be conducted early in the meeting so we have time for socializing.  Our TEP Wikimaster, Kelvin Siefert, will provide a presentation of our WIKI, which is full of sound educational resources for the teaching of educational psychology – a data base of teaching best practices compiled over numerous years.

TEP Business meeting:  Scheduled Time: Sun, Apr 10, 6:15pm - 7:45pm  

Building/Room: Sheraton / Salon 820


Excellent Source for Best Teaching Practices – Take a Look!
As many of you know, TEP SIG sponsors a website called teachingedpsych, a wiki-style archive of materials that support the teaching of introductory educational psychology in teacher education programs. If you haven’t seen it yet, go to  http://teachingedpsych.wikispaces.com,  and browse through the materials, which are organized by 17 general topics. You may see something that you can use with one of your classes! At last count teachingedpsych includes about 300-400 items, grouped on about 175 individual webpages.
Here are the 17 general topics of teachingedpsych. Each topic has an opening page linked to a number of other pages and related Internet websites:
  • Class activities and demonstrations
  • Course assignments
  • Course syllabi or outlines
  • Classroom management
  • Human development
  • Motivation
  • Thinking and cognition
  • Special education
  • Assessment of K-12 learning
  • Introduction to psychology
  • Teacher education
  • Theories of learning
  • Social relationships
  • Blogs, wikis, and discussion lists
  • Introductory ed psych textbooks
  • Articles, chapters, and books,
  • Multimedia

Teachingedpsych began in May 2009, and since then has proved increasingly popular. In 2009, it averaged about 48 views per day; in 2010, it averaged about 143 per day (a 196% increase!); and so far in 2011, it is averaging about 231 views per day (a 62% increase over 2010). Since it began, teachingedpsych has received about 122,000 “hits” or views. Viewers come from all over the world. Only 70% are from the USA and 18% are from Canada; the other 12% come from about 100 other countries—too numerous to list!

Where is teachingedpsych headed in the future? In addition to welcoming additional new materials, the website would benefit from the following:
  • More thorough indexing, cross-linking, and “tagging” of items and materials to facilitate searching
  • Clarification, expansion, and/or revision of explanations of items in some cases
  • Most important: One or more person(s) to assist in gathering items from TEP SIG members and others, in posting the items, and generally insuring a tidy, easy-to-figure-out website
As a SIG, in addition, we might want to consider broadening the mandate of teachingedpsych beyond the teaching of intro ed psych per se. Many of the items are useful in other teacher education courses and might therefore be well-received by other SIGs or divisions of AERA. Those groups might also contribute materials to the website helpfully. It’s something to think about and discuss in the coming year.

--Kelvin Seifert
Teachingedpsych wiki managerhttp://teachingedpsych.wikispaces.com


TEP SIG members would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to our outgoing President, Dr. Greg Goodman.  Dr. Goodman’s accomplishments are too numerous to mention in this Newsletter, and include: organizing and conducting the 2010 TEP Membership Survey, which informed our understanding of our membership profile and future interests; infusing TEP with extraordinary spirit and collaboration; and helping to build a solid foundation for future growth.  Dr. Goodman’s energy and inspirational leadership will be missed.  Thank you Greg!
Please look for Greg at our 2011 Conference and Business Meeting and thank him personally


We are holding our annual and special AERA TEP SIG elections, so if you are interested in providing leadership please consider running.  Thank you to those who are running. Candidate profiles are below. Here are the slate of officers:

1.      Program Chair / President / Past President
a.       Duties include: setting the Annual meeting program, running the SIG, and picking a slate of officers
b.      Term: 2011-2014
2.      Treasurer / Secretary
a.       Duties include: tracking finances, keeping minutes of meetings
b.      Term: 2011-2013
3.      Newsletter Editor
a.       Duties include: assembling and distributing a newsletter several times per year
b.      Term: 2011-2013        

 Candidate Profiles:
Program Chair: Stacy DeZutter
Affiliation: Millsaps College
 I am an Assistant Professor of Education at Millsaps College. I teach a diverse set of educational psychology-based courses, including courses in human development, creativity, and methods of instruction. My research builds on insights from sociocultural theory to examine two separate (but sometimes related) topics: group creativity and teacher cognition. I hold a PhD in the Learning Sciences from Washington University in St. Louis. I have been active in the leadership of AERA since 2003, having served in a number of roles including Chair of the Graduate student Council (a role which also included serving on AERA's Association Council) and Secretary/Treasurer for the TEP SIG. The TEP SIG has been a valuable resource for me, and I am eager to use my experience in AERA leadership to support its efforts. In particular, I'd like to forge stronger connections between our SIG and the graduate student membership, as a means to bring new members to our group and to foster mentoring relationships between experienced ed psych professors and those newer to the endeavor. I am also proud of how our various web-based outlets (TEP wiki, blog, newsletter, and online journal) have flourished in recent years, and I would like to build on this success.
Treasurer / Secretary: Cynthia Bolton-Gary
Affiliation: University of South Carolina, Beaufort
Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Psychology from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, 1994.  Currently, Associate Professor at the University of South Carolina Beaufort, Assessment and Accreditation Coordinator (2009-present), Chair of the Department (2009-2010), Director-Center of Excellence in Collaborative Learning (2008-present).  Previous faculty appointments at the University of South Carolina Aiken, and Aurora University.  Fellow at the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching (2006-2008).  Research interests:  assessment, teacher preparation, classroom management, children’s literature.

Newsletter Editor: M. Cecil Smith
Affiliation: Northern Illinois University
M Cecil Smith is a professor of educational psychology at Northern Illinois University where he has taught educational psychology, research methods, and human development courses since 1988. He has been a member of AERA since 1984, and has served as a proposal reviewer for various Divisions and SIG for many years. He was co-chair of Division C (1999) and is currently webmaster and newsletter editor for the Adult Literacy and Adult Education SIG.