

TEP SIG leaders were asked to respond to three (3) questions: 
(1.) What is the best part of teaching educational psychology?
(2.) What is new in your professional life/career?  New promotions, grants,
centers/institutes involvement, Race to the Top involvement, Job openings in your department, et al. 
(3.) What is your best idea(s) for how educational psychology can inform, or contribute to the reauthorization of ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act)?

Our TEP SIG is thankful to have such thoughtful and caring members, and Dr. Sandra Deemer’s responses to these three questions characterize the views of our members.  We are fortunate to have Dr. Deemer’s leadership vision shaping the future of our TEP SIG. Congratulations on a new book contract – we all look forward to your scholarly contribution to our own work and lives.

Dr. Sandra Deemer has much to say about teaching educational psychology that will resonate with our members:
1.  What is the best part of teaching educational psych?  Share your personal highs, successes, joys in teaching this semester or over your career.
I believe that the best part relates to mentoring new teacher candidates as they begin their courses and fieldwork related to their eventual teacher certification.  At Millersville, our educational psychology courses are at the beginning of the course sequence so our students have their first early field experience while taking my courses.  This is a time of great anxiety for some as they consider whether teaching is the profession for them.  I enjoy aiding them through these developmental processes and keeping the anxiety at a healthy level.  
In terms of the content that I teach, I enjoy exposing students to the “whys” behind the teaching decisions that they make or will make in the teaching profession.  Many times after we discuss a topic, I will hear students begin to understand the actions of their previous teachers.  Even if some of these memories are negative (e.g., why the teacher should not have required students to compete against each other for grades), students learn a great deal as they analyze their own experiences through the lens of educational psychology.
2.  What is new in your professional life/career?  New promotions, grants, centers/institutes involvement, Race to the Top involvement, Job openings in your department, et al.
I have just secured a book contract with Kendall Hunt Publishing to write a book focusing on how secondary teachers recognize the tenets of achievement goal theory in their classrooms.  I will be interviewing outstanding secondary teachers as I construct various chapters on each of the content areas represented in high schools today.  I am hoping that this publication will inform both preservice and in-service educators about the practices of outstanding art, math, science, social studies, English Foreign Language, and Technology Education in our local high schools.
3.  What is your best idea(s) for how educational psychology can inform, or contribute to the reauthorization of ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act).
Related to my thoughts to the second question, I think that the theories in educational psychology have the capability to help us understand how teachers negotiate the accountability systems in existence today and what may in fact deter them from designing creative lessons.  
Thank you Sandra!

Other member news
Henry G. Brzycki, Ph.D., in addition to teaching motivation strategies and positive psychology to K-16 classroom teachers has founded The Center for The Self in The Schools, where he hopes to put a stop to bullying and inhuman behavior.  The Center takes an interdisciplinary view and offers teacher professional development workshops, superintendent and principal coaching, student empowerment programs for grades 5-12 for whole school, grade level, or classroom involvement.  For more information please contact Henry at: henry@brzyckigroup.com; or 814-234-2545.
Stacy DeZutter, Ph.D., is currently conducting research on the culture of college-level writing instruction.  In addition, she has articles in press on distributed creativity and on teaching as an improvisational profession.  Stacy is the service learning faculty mentor at Millsaps College, where she teaches courses in human development, creativity, peace education, and writing.
Zsuzsanna Szabo, Ph.D., moved over the summer to Poughkeepsie, NY accepting a position as Director of Graduate Teacher Education Programs at Marist College and enjoys teaching graduate education courses again. Has article in press at Technology, Pedagogy and Education.
Kelvin Seifert, Ph.D., has recently completed an extensive review of research in early childhood, socio-emotional development that has broad implications for those of us who teach educational psychology as well as for policy makers considering reauthorization metrics.  Dr. Seifert’s abstract is reproduced for your review and interest:

Abstract: Research about Young Children: What Makes It Useful?
By Kelvin Seifert, University of Manitoba
                Early childhood education has had a long affiliation with the field of child study and child development research.  Yet developmental researchers and early childhood teachers have both tended to overlook the extent to which the affiliation is really based on only part of developmental psychology—the part related to children’s social life and development. Classrooms for the young are especially social places, so research meant to illuminate learning processes in such classrooms necessarily must include strong attention to social processes of all kinds.
                As a result of this reality, certain areas of developmental research (for example, “brain” research) cannot really give very specific or helpful advice about how young children learn. Other areas (for example, cognitive development research or information processing research) can be specific and helpful, but only if placed or envisioned in the complex social contexts of early childhood classroom life. Still other areas (for example, research on pretend play, bilingualism, or even theory of mind) have very direct classroom implications because of the frankly social issues on which they focus.
                There is much research evidence that teachers and parents often realize the priority of the social in early childhood classrooms. This insight needs to be communicated more fully to interpreters of developmental research, and applied more deeply to their interpretations, to reduce misinterpretations of developmental research by teachers and parents, and so that developmental researchers can focus their support for early childhood education more effectively.
Note: The above abstract is for a review chapter in submission for the following:
Saracho, O. & Spodek, B. Eds., (in press). Handbook of research on the education of young children, 3rd edition. New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.

Call for Submissions to tep winter Newsletter

Please consider writing/submitting short news items that may include: new developments in the field, your teaching successes using a best practice, career information (such as promotions or new leadership appointments), new eLinks to important and useful websites, etc. We are interested in your comments regarding bullying in our society and schools; reauthorization of NCLB; among other topics.  Contact:  Henry G. Brzycki, Ph.D.: hbrzycki@aol.com.

Book review – new feature

The Nature and Nurture of  Learners: From the Perspective of Educational Psychology
Author: Meryl Englander
Author House Press, (2010)
1663 Liberty Drive
Bloomington, IN 47403
A Book Review by Greg S. Goodman                                                                      
                Meryl Englander has accrued fifty plus years as a high school teacher, supervisor of student teachers, conducting and publishing related research, and teaching educational psychology at Indiana University.   Based upon these experiences, he has compiled a text for teachers that identifies and defines the underlying psychological concepts, and proposes a pedagogy for developing the skills necessary for successful teaching. To achieve these lofty goals, Englander has sectioned the text into five parts.
                Part one is titled The Science of Education and Human Nature as the Rationale for Educational Goals.  Englander observes that humans are born with billions of individual neurons that connect the brain with the rest of the body.  He proposes that the individual’s development of these neurons constitutes education.  Visual images of cortical atrophy are presented to confirm the importance of experience for brain development.   The critical factor in learning and behaving is the quality of the individual’s brain that is composed of three constructs: the intellect, motives, and sense of self.  The three constructs function as a system. Individuals interact with the environment and this process is the means for developing the constructs.   The quality of the environment is the critical factor in the productivity of the individual.  According to Englander, the educational environment is the essential element in the brain’s development. 
                Part two analyzes the complexities of intelligence in terms of the interaction of thinking processes and the complexity of knowledge with respect to a variety of modes of representation.  A solid collection of information is presented concerning knowledge construction from the environment through the brain’s context and neural systems.  Each learner is unique with respect to the levels of development and personal style thus mandating a variety of teaching processes.         
                 Part three addresses motivation as it pertains to both learning and behavior.  Like the intellect, motivation is complex in that humans are driven by as many as twenty different motives, each of which triggers a variety of goals.   Englander observes that motives such as negative self-efficacy inhibit both learning and behavior.   Unfortunately, much of the data for developing particular motives are presented from the perspective of out-dated research perspectives, i.e. a 1961 McClelland publication.
                Part three also includes some solid suggestions for enhancing motivation. Connections are made through the use of various activities such as collegial studying and extracurricular experiences to build solid tools for developing motives.  Englander discusses other major understandings of motivational theory such as learned helplessness, behavior modification, and the use of feedback.
                Part four brings into focus Plato’s fundamental dictate: know thy self.  The text points out that between 1948 and 1968 over 2,000 studies were conducted on the system of self.  Sadly the author chooses an example of race discrimination to demonstrate the ways in which identify is formulated.   His inclusion of a widely reviled racial epithet is inappropriate.
                Eight independent dimensions of self-concept are identified and described.   Individuals define themselves in one or more terms.  The list includes academic competence, kinesthetic competence,    affiliation, power to influence others, destiny control, morality, image, and cultural pride.  Evidence is presented that indicate individuals differ in terms of self description and importance of each.  The impact of one’s sense of self on learning and behavior indicates that teachers need to give attention to its development.  
                Part five contains two chapters devoted to overt behavior.  In the first chapter the astute research of Pianta and Hamre (2009) focuses on the importance of emotional support, classroom organization, and instructional support for the creation of a positive climate for learner achievement.                 
               Chapter eleven deals with the issue of responding to undesired behavior.  This issue, if unresolved, is the teacher’s nemesis.  In answering the foundational question of what to do, Englander accurately concludes that punishment is an over-utilized and ineffective tool for developing responsibility and controlling future behavior.  We are better advised to heed his example of Alfie Kohn’s advice listed at the end of the chapter: the environment of the classroom and the culture that the learners and the teacher ascribe to are the major factors in determining the behavioral outcomes of the shareholders. 
                The final two chapters deal with the issue of assessment: The Nature and Importance of Assessment.  From the perspective of the media and political arena, test scores are critical.  However, the value of assessment depends on how various measures are constructed, interpreted, and used.  The details of authentic measurement are explored.  The chapter, Assessing the Educational Enterprise, investigates the development of a testing program to identify individual development and also measures by which we can assess educational programs and communication among the involved individuals.
              The Nature and Nurture of Learners is a cogent assembly of the principle aspects of the art and science of educational psychology as they apply to education.  The focus is on the interaction of the individual’s active brain with the environment.  This text can serve as a good resource for both pre-service and practicing teachers as they use Englander’s questions and exercises to consider how learning can be promoted.  This book is possibly overly ambitious in its goal: “to initiate the underlying needed skills of our teachers.”  Teachers need the skills and knowledge presented; however, this reviewer questions the effectiveness of such a book upon the intended audience.  The poor quality of the text’s illustrations and the use of dated examples; such as, discussing ‘Black English’ rather than Ebonics are detractions.   
1) To subscribe to TEP SIG listserve, send a message to: listserv@listserv.aera.net. The body of the message should contain the following:  ),
2) Check out the online journal, Teaching Educational Psychology http://www.teachingeducpsych.org/
3) Use the website of resources for teaching undergraduate educational psychology http://teachingedpsych.wikispaces.org
4) Post comments or a new discussion topic on our new TEP SIG blog:  http://tepsig.blogspot.com.
5) ASCD Whole Child Initiative: This initiative is of relevance to TEP members in that the whole child/socio-emotional model of education is central to our teaching.

Links for TEP SIG members

TEP Blog This blog has been created to facilitate professional discussions in the Teaching Educational Psychology SIG of AERA.  Our hope is that those who belong to the TEP SIG or those who are interested in topics related to Teaching Educational Psychology discussed in this TEP newsletter or TEP wiki will contribute to the blog.
If you have a good idea for a topic that we could blog about, please send email to: tepsig@gmail.com, and post away!
TEP online Journal   Teaching Educational Psychology (TEP)Journal is an online, peer-refereed journal devoted to increasing our shared knowledge base about the teaching of educational psychology to a variety of educational constituencies, including pre-service and in-service teachers, administrators, policy-makers, parents, and the public.  Readers of the journal include researchers, college faculty, students, and practitioners in educational psychology, teacher education and educational policy. 
TEP wiki  The teaching ed psych wiki is a collection of materials helpful in teaching introductory educational psychology in teacher education programs. It provides a way for instructors of ed psych to share their best ideas and materials about their teaching.
AERA  The American Educational Research Association (AERA), founded in 1916, is concerned with improving the educational process by encouraging scholarly inquiry related to education and evaluation and by promoting the dissemination and practical application of research results. 

Fall 2010 Newsletter

The Fall 2010 TEP SIG Newsletter was posted to the AERA web.

The 2010 Membership Survey
Researchers: Greg S. Goodman, Kelvin Seifert, Laurie Hanich, Sandra Deemer
Clarion University of Pennsylvania IRB # 112-08-09

The Teaching Educational Psychology – Special Interest Group (TEP-SIG) of the American Educational Research Association represents a unique amalgam of teachers of educational psychology, researchers in the field of educational psychology, and educational psychologists who work in other areas and settings.

Beginning in 2009, the TEP –SIG leadership team of Greg S. Goodman, Sandra Deemer, Laurie Hannich, and Kelvin Seifert designed a survey to assess the scope of the TEP-SIG membership, to learn about group members’ teaching of educational psychology, and to determine how TEP-SIG can serve members more effectively in the future. To help the 2010 TEP-SIG leadership continue to be cognizant of the membership’s needs and concerns based upon valid data, the initial survey was reconstructed in the spring of 2010 and distributed in the summer of 2010.

The 2010 TEP-SIG survey was re-designed through a group process with the freshly
constructed leadership team: Sandra Deemer, Laurie Hannich, Henry Brzycki, Zsuzsanna Szabo, Stacy DeZutter, Greg Goodman, and Kelvin Seifert.

The goals of the survey were to obtain both previously collected data and new information about the membership, to share knowledge of TEP-SIG’s peer professional activities, and to plan future directions for the group. Some of the survey research questions included:

1. What demographics describe and define the membership?
2. What is the current level of interest in participation within the TEP-SIG and its affiliate
journal or other functions?
3. What activities are teachers of educational psychology currently engaged in as they
practice their professional duties within the classroom and beyond?

In constructing the 2010 survey, these researchers were guided by the assumption that
educational psychology in general, and TEP-SIG in particular, may be the quintessential
example of the diverse interests and foundations of education itself. Education is interdisciplinary and draws its influence from psychology, sociology, anthropology, philosophy, and other established fields of study (Goodyear, et al., 2009). Educational psychology extends all of those foundations and also enjoys its own multifarious roots melding constructivism, behaviorism, humanism, and psycho-bio-social perspectives into a complexity of theories describing how people learn (Ruble, 2010).

The data in Tables 1-3 represent the responses of 39 of the members of the TEP SIG, out of
a total membership at the time of the survey of 122. All members received an invitation to
participate in the survey via the Listserv. Twenty-two responded to the initial call to follow a
link to Survey Monkey, a website that facilitates the construction of online surveys (http://www.surveymonkey.com). An additional 17 members responded following a second call. The final response rate was therefore 32% (39/122).

Table 1. Members’ Demographics

1. Primary academic affiliation?
a) School or College of Education 79.5%
b) Liberal Studies, Arts & Sciences 12.8%
c) Other 7.7%

2. Size of university or college?
a) >10,000 students 43.6%
b) 5000-10,000 33.3%
c) <5000 23.1%

3. Type of institution?
a) PhD granting, comprehensive university 56.4%
b) Masters, state university 17.9%
c) Four-year college 23.1%
d) Other 2.6%

Table 2. Members’ Relationship to Educational Research

8. Publication required for promotion/tenure?
a) Yes, absolutely essential 76.9%
b) Yes, required 12.8%
c) Important but not required 7.7%

9. Percentage of members having published:
a) A few peer reviewed journal articles 31.6%
b) One peer reviewed journal article 15.8%
c) Several peer reviewed articles & books 15.8%
d) Several peer reviewed articles & one book 28.9%
e) Currently looking for a publisher 10.5%

Table 3. In which journals have you published?

a) Journal of Educational Psychology 30.0%
b) Contemporary Educational Psychology 23.3 %
c) Teaching Educational Psychology 20.0%
d) Educational Psychology Review 13.3%
e) Learning and Individual Differences 10.0%
f) Educational Psychologist 6.7%
g) Learning and Instruction 6.7%
h) British Journal of Educational Psychology 3.3%

Four open-ended questions in the survey queried the membership for information concerning
current teaching and the TEP SIG itself. Concerning the first of these questions, —“Please
describe any unique aspects of your educational psychology course content and or students” —34 of the TEP SIG members shared their experiences. The responses are listed below:

1. Three unique aspects: 1) using the teaching educational psychology, teaching best practice of self referential teaching and learning for deeper learning increasing student learning outcomes and abilities to apply concepts; 2) integration of positive psychology body of work
into educational psychology; 3) using the Self Theory in Teaching and Learning when teaching pre-service and Master teachers K-12 adolescent motivation strategies. And: Field Experiences, small group work, Student produced videos and blogs, workshop style with peer to peer coaching of lesson plans.

2. It has to match very selective state standards and can not deviate.

3. A central component of my Human Development course is service
learning—students volunteer at various organizations that serve
developmental needs in some way, and we discuss their experiences
in class. Students also write papers and give presentations on their experiences.

4. Field experience both for exposure to diverse students and for data gathering (Piaget-type tasks, locus of control scale, moral development scenarios) that we use in assignments throughout the semester.

5. Field experiences Small group work Micro teaching.

6. Field experiences, small group work, case analysis.

7. Small groups for workshops; individual final projects; group discussions.

8. field placement—blocked together with a social foundations of modern
education class.

9. integrate arts-based experiences connected to studies of works of art that
illuminate psychological concepts.

10. About course content: great diversity; students: large groups Teaching
methodologies: group work; problem-based learning; project-based learning.

11. small group work, service-learning for early teacher preparation for work
with diverse learners, use of P-12 teacher/ pre-service teacher database to
allow each to match needs and skills in field placements, action-research
in graduate class in a 50 percent online venue, student design and
implementation of class activities in small groups in graduate class.

12. field experiences, small group work, revealing beliefs and assumptions.

13. distance learning.

14. Field observations and analysis, small group work, video analysis, lesson creation activities.

15. making short films embedding psychology theories.

16. For undergraduates, educational psychology is taught in large lectures, i.e., 100-130 students.

17. Fieldwork Small group work.

18. Small group work.

19. (a.) Students complete research-based assignments requiring collection of data from child or adult participants. (b.) Students collaborate and share data for group based assignments using web2 technologies such as GoogleDocs to upload and share data files and analysis techniques.
(c.) Students complete reading assignments in collaborative small groups, using website to upload and share materials.

20. Students are primarily pre-service teachers; but include alternative license teachers, Deaf interpreters, and library science/media specialists. Students participate in small group activities within the course.

21. Project proposal, reflection paper, exams, group work, workshops.

22. Experiential learning Problem based Cooperative Portfolio as assessment

23. 15-hour clinical experience for pre-service elementary education teachers.

24. I use a combination of lecture, large group discussion, small group work/
discussion, hands on activities, field experiences (tutoring in urban environment), and assignments designed to apply material.

25. 30 hours of field experience tutoring diverse students; small groups work in-class, jigsaw learning activity out of class.

26. cases small group work.

27. Depending on the section, I include service learning, data collection in their field placements that we then analyze in class, and many experiential
learning opportunities.

28. Service learning: Tutoring in urban, high poverty schools Lots of collaboration & choice of assignments.

29. Lecture—Whole class Small groups Field research.

30. A field experience is attached to the class. I use small group discussions within a large lecture format.

31. Each class has a field experience attached. We focus on helping students reveal and challenge their beliefs about the teaching-learning process with theory and research as they design and develop authentic teaching projects.

32. Homework portfolio; YouTube video creation; documentary creation; constructivist based midterm based on theories.

33. Include as requirements: 1) two classroom observations (elem and sec) in urban public schools; 2) research project with final paper and oral presentation; 3) several cases for discussion and analysis; 4) many experiences with dyads, triads, small groups; oral reports on articles plus other techniques.

34. Field experience—Research Debates Students Powerpoint Presentations Creating articles on given topics for a class journal.

Using a simple coding structure to organize the responses, the five most commonly cited
elements of course content identified by the survey respondents were: 1) small group work, 2)
field experiences, 3) integrating elements of educational psychology theory into course activities, 4) using a workshop style, and 5) micro-teaching. Overall impressions revealed a heavy emphasis upon experiential learning processes.

As the TEP-SIG leadership continues work to improve the group’s productivity and resources
for its constituency, data opportunities such as this survey provide important sources of
information. The leadership team thanks the survey respondents for their time and effort to
provide all of us with these data.

Goodyear, R. K., Brewer, D.J., Gallagher, K.S., Tracey, T.J.G., Claiborn, C.D., Lichtenberg,
J.W., & Wampold, B.E. (2009). The intellectual foundations of education: Core journals
and their impacts on scholarship and practice. Educational Researcher, 38 (9), 700-706.

Ruble, C. (2010). Annotated bibliography. In G. Goodman (Ed.), Educational Psychology Reader. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.

There were thirty four (34) responses to the open ended question; “Please describe any unique aspects of your educational psychology course content and or students.”  Embedded within these responses are numerous best practices for teaching educational psychology.  This is notable in that this is the mission of our AERA SIG.  We are considering a special issue of the TEP Journal in which each best teaching practice described in this survey could be expanded upon and highlighted. Our members are very committed to sharing these best teaching practices that are the foci of our effectiveness in our specialized field.  Therefore, it would seem that many would like to describe in expanded detail their particular best teaching practice in the form of a short article worthy of our scholarly Journal.  This special edition could then be turned into a TEP Handbook of Best Teaching Practices which could be published for wider distribution to the academic community.

The TEP SIG 2010 Membership Survey has produced robust results for members to use in determining how they would like to make a difference in our profession, and make a larger contribution to both our profession and our students.  Please consider contributing to our growing SIG – we welcome any and all suggestions! Thank you!

Job ---Instructional Leader/Teacher Educator: Assistant Professor


Tenure-track Faculty Position in the
Department of Educational Foundations
Instructional Leader/Teacher Educator: Assistant Professor
The position requires knowledge and experience in educational leadership and teacher education.  Primary teaching responsibilities will be based on expertise and may include the supervision of secondary student teachers and the instruction of Master's level supervision and leadership courses. Teaching responsibilities may include teaching at off-campus locations, evenings, and in a variety of online formats.
·         ABD in curriculum and instruction, educational leadership, or related field
·         Must have doctorate for eligibility for re-appointment to the second year,
·         Three years U.S. public school teaching experience,
·         Recent experience as a school principal and/or school administrator/leader,
·         Experience supervising student teachers and/or classroom teachers,
·         A research agenda with presentations on topics that may include: research on district and school leadership, classroom practice, and teacher education,
·         Experience working with underrepresented populations,
·         Experience in multiple instructional settings, including site-based settings and on-line formats,
·         Experience with technology as it relates to classroom instruction and administrative leadership,
·         A record of initiating, implementing, and evaluating educational programs and innovations, and
·         Strong communication skills, a successful interview, and teaching demonstration.

·         Earned doctorate in curriculum and instruction, educational leadership, or related field,
·         A commitment to social justice as evidenced in research and teaching as well as one who would enhance the cultural diversity of Millersville University, and
·         A commitment to integrity and to a collaborative climate in schools and universities.
·         Competence in supervising secondary student teachers in the field.

Full consideration given to applications received by November 30, 2010. To apply, go to https://jobs.millersville.edu and create a faculty application.  A cover letter, curriculum vitae, copies of all transcripts and three current letters of recommendation will be required. For additional questions, contact

Dr. Cheryl T. Desmond, Ph.D.                                     Dr. Nanette Dietrich, Ph.D.
Search Chair                                                                       Search Co-Chair
717-871-2002                                                                     717-872-3827
cheryl.desmond@millersville.edu                            nanette.marcum-dietrich@millersville.edu

An EO/AA Institution * www.millersville.edu